Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Imperium Looks to Algae for Fuel, a Future in Farming?

Algae "could contribute 100 million gallons of biodiesel by 2011."
from (blog):

In a BusinessWeek story titled "Here comes pond scum power," Imperium Renewables Chief Executive Martin Tobias and others discuss the promise of algae in biofuel production.

Tobias says that algae could contribute 100 million gallons of biodiesel by 2011. And he hints that Imperium -- which already has a deal with South San Francisco algae producer Solazyme and recently invested in Tacoma algae-to-fuel producer Inventure Chemical -- may spend more money on the emerging fuel source.

"The only thing missing is the farms. I prefer not to operate a large-scale farm myself, but I may have to do it," Tobias tells BusinessWeek.

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